• For a simple, effective and permanent way to stop your cravings and addictions let Life Balance help you Take Back Control SUGAR-JUNK FOOD - WINE – SPIRITS – NICOTINE

Your appetite will diminish, your mood will lighten and you are back in control of your eating!

If you are one of those people who have genuine cravings for all things sweet and think about food from the moment you open your eyes then

Weight Loss+ Balance is a must for you.

How many diets have you tried and failed at in the past?
Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Herbal Life?
The list goes on and on. 

You might have even got to target then before you know it your weight has shot back up.

The Life Balance treatment STOPS your cravings, working with your own energy systems  helping you make the right choices. You will lose the desire to reach for you craving whether that be sweet – chocolates, cake or biscuits – or savoury – crisps, bread or cheese. A little of what you fancy is not an issue and right now you probably can’t make that choice, it’s all or nothing right?

This isn’t sustainable but with Weight Loss+ Balance YOU will now be in control of  YOUR eating, YOU will make healthy choices, bringing focus and clarity back into your life.

Set your own goals, no food is banned and throw away the scales!

You will know by your clothes how much weight you are losing and by all the compliments you will receive but if you need a guide then take pictures and measure yourself once a month. The results will be there for all to see. No need to hide away and refuse social invitations. Accept them and watch your confidence grow. Feel and look good in your clothes. Don’t be afraid of the mirror.

But don’t take our word for it, see how using Life Balance has transformed other peoples’ lives

How does it Work?

Wear the Pendant – Lose the Weight!

The Life- Balance Systems works by emitting remote electromagnetic frequency signals to your bio energy system that cancel out and neutralise the effect of your cravings and bad habits. This brings your body back to its natural state of balance unblocking and clearing negative energy within your body allowing you, even subconsciously to make healthy eating choices. So how? We hear you asking?  By using a proven scientific process called bio resonance it is possible to ‘neutralise & erase’ the effects of strong cravings and desires for unhealthy foods, and sugar can be just as addictive as any drug. Everything is made from energy and sugar has a specific energy frequency.  Our Weight Loss+ system emits the equal and opposite  frequency, which neutralise or cancel each other out making it become much easier for you  to stop making those unhealthy choices as  the craving or desire  has gone or is greatly diminished, putting you back in control. This programme is held on an E-Pendant which you wear 24/7 (apart from in the shower) the pendant is constantly emitting frequencies around your body and working with your energy systems to stop your cravings.

So all you have to do is follow the simple  2  STEP PROCESS and tell us which Treatment you’d like programmed and you can have your pendant next day.

We also do One to One consultations  so if you feel this would suit you best then please call for a confidential chat  or email to make an appointment.    Call 0131 629 5900 or email:  info@life-balance.co.uk



Order now by using our easy 3 step process

Cost: £195

Receive, complete and Return Bio Profile Pack/Kit

And Finally

Once we have received your Bio Profile Kit you will be reminded to click on a slot to book your bespoke programme and we will then send you your very own E-Pendant.

After your Life Balance treatment you are now on your way to a healthy feel good life style free from your bad habits.

You will be reenergised and equipped to make the choices that are right for you!

© Copyright - Life Balance 2021 | Registered office – Life Balance Limited, Quartermile Two, 2 Lister Square, Edinburgh, EH3 9GL. | Tel 01506 238120 | Registered Number: SC556832

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